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चन्द्रकला नाडी - Chandra Kala Nadi [PDF]

चन्द्रकला नाडी - Chandra Kala Nadi [PDF] Upayogi Books

by Sagar Publication
(0 Reviews) December 21, 2023
Guru parampara

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December 21, 2023
Sagar Publication
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चन्द्रकला नाडी

चन्द्रकला नाडी - Chandra Kala Nadi [PDF]

मकर लग्नम [त्रैलोक्यांशः] ॥ 

त्रैलोक्यांशे पूर्वभागे लग्ने च मकरे तथा। 

बुधत्रिशांशके जातस्तृतीयोऽसौ प्रकीर्तितः। महानदीप्रान्तयदेशे दक्षिणोत्तरवीथिषु ॥२७९९ ॥

आग्भागे जननं चेति चौत्तरद्वार गेहके। 

गेहेशे यन्त्रवांशस्थे तद्राश्यंशत्रिकोणगे ॥२७२० ॥

तन्नवांशगृहद्वारे प्रसूतिर्नात्र संशयः।

271927201/2. Trailokya Nadiamsa Capricorn Ascendant (Up to sloka 2769): (a) The native of former half of Trailokya Nadiamsa in Capricorn ascendant, in Mercury's Trimsamsa, will be the third issue of the family. His birth will be in the region of a great river, in a north-south spread street. The house concerned will be in the eastern part (of the town) and will be a north-facing one

(b) Find out in which Navamsa the 4th lord is placed. The house of birth may (also) correspond to the indications given by the said Rasi or one of its trines.

Notes: (a) In Capricorn, Trailokya Nadiamsa extends from 14° 48° to 15° 0'.

Ignore Mercury's Trimsamsa condition and fol- low only the relevant Nadiamsa stipulation.

(b) This is a general rule and can be applied to all ascendants irrespective of the Nadiamsa, and is one of the conditions stipulated for determining the home of birth.

लग्नेशे धनराशिस्थे लाभेशे सुखराशिगे ॥२७२१ ॥ 

त्रिंशद्वर्षात् परं भाग्यमरोगदृढगात्रवान् ।

2721-27211/2. Prosperity: If the lord of the ascendant is in the 2nd house as the 11th lord (Mars) is in the 4th house (in Aries), he will attain prosperity after the thirtieth year of his age. This yoga will also give him a physique which is free from diseases and is strong.

Notes: The effects given apply to the whole of Capricorn ascendant irrespective of the Nadiamsa as could be seen below.

Prosperity: Saturn in the 2nd house in Aquarius, while Mars is in the 4th house will assure prosperity

right from youth. The influence of Saturn on the 10th house, Libra, is passed on through Mars. By himself, Mars is a functional benefic for Capricorn. When he is related to Saturn and the 10th house, the native of Capricorn ascendant is sure to rise without obstacles. Healthy Body: As the lord of the 11th house, 6th from the 6th house, Mars has a definite say on health, like Mercury the 6th lord. The association of Mars with ascendant lord, Saturn, the latter placed in Moolatrikona in the 2nd, is a plus point. Such a person will be free from illness and will attain prosperity.

Mercury in Aries, while Saturn is in the 2nd, will also give similar effects for Capricorn natives. But prosperity, though certain, will be through certain odds caused by inimical activities as Mercury is also the 6th lord, and gets his placement in a bitter enemy's sign. Certainty in prosperity is because Mercury is the lord of the 9th for Capricorn and bosom friend of Saturn.

युग्मांशकगते मन्दे मीनस्थे च प्रजायते ॥२७२२ ॥ 

बाल्ये दारिद्यमापन्नो यौवने सौख्ययोगवान् । पञ्चविशात् परं भाग्यं गेहे लक्ष्मीकटाक्षवान् ॥२७२३ ॥

2722-2723. Saturn in Pisces: Should Saturn be found in Pisces, with a dual Navamsa, the subject will be in the grip of penury during his childhood. He will enjoy sound health and prosperity in his youth. After 25 years of age, goddess Lakshmi will bless his family.

Notes: Yugmamsaka in this case is dual navamsa, and not specifically Gemini, as Pisces Rasi is referred to. Saturn in Pisces will get one of the other three dual Navamsa, viz. Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

The hints given hereof apply to Capricorn as- cendant, in general. By his placement in the 3rd house, Saturn will aspect the 9th house, denoting father. Wealth or poverty in childhood depends on father (or mother). Saturn in Pisces with Virgo Navamsa will be in the 9th from natal ascendant. In Sagittarius Navamsa, he will be in the 12th from natal ascendant and in Pisces Navamsa, be will be in the 3rd in Vargottama. Saturn's placement in Jupiter's sign or Navamsa will produce some adverse effects about father, as Mercury, the lord of the 9th, does not go well with Jupiter. Saturn in relation to the 9th from a sign of Jupiter, for Capricorn, may in the initial stage not give money through father, but is bound to give good effects in the long run by virtue of his good position and good rulership. For Saturn is a slow planet in revealing good effects. As the lord of the ascendant, he assumes the onus of protecting the 9th house.

In my view, we should add Leo Navamsa as well in which case father's poverty will be intense. In analysing a bhava vis a vis a planet's place

ment we better take into note two important factors: The occupant's relationship with the significator of that bhava, on the one hand. On the other hand, the relationship of the Rasi dispositor and Navamsa dispositor of the occupant with a given significator.

Generally, Saturn related to the 9th is not so good as he is quite allergic to the Sun, the significator of father.

त्रैलोक्यांशे चरे लग्ने बुधत्रिंशांशके तथा । 

रक्तवर्णो मध्यगात्रः समदेहस्वरूपवान् ॥२७२४ ॥

2724. Movable Ascendant: If birth be in a movable ascendant in the subject Nadiamsa, in Mer- cury's Trimsamsa, the subject will be blood-red in complexion. He will be of medium build with a symmetric body.

Notes: See 2719 (a) supra regarding Trimsamsa condition.

त्रैलोक्यांशे पूर्वभागे मकरे तु प्रजायते।

रूपवान् मतिमान् वाग्मी प्रसत्रमुखनेत्रवान् ॥२७२५ ॥

अदृष्टशाली धर्मात्मा राजयोगयुतो भवेत् ।

त्रैलोक्यांशे पूर्वभागे मृगे लग्ने च जायते ॥२७२६ ॥

यतीश्वरत्रियो वाग्मी देवब्राह्मणपोषकः ।

मिताशी मितभाषी च मितनिद्रो जितेन्द्रियः ॥२७२७ ॥

दुष्टेषु दुष्टबुद्धिस क्ररेषु क्रूरकृत्यवान् ॥२७२८ ॥

परेङ्गितज्ञश्चतुरो भूषितो भूषणप्रियः।

पितृभाग्यविहीनश्च स्वभुजार्जितवित्तवान् ।

धर्मशास्त्रार्थतत्त्वज्ञो ज्ञानांशे सुखनायके ॥२७२९ ॥

सर्वेषामुपकारी च शौर्यसाहसकीर्तिमान् ।

सत्कथाश्रवणं नित्यं श्रीमान् दौनजनप्रियः ॥२७३० ॥

शिवव्रतोपवासी च हरिशङ्करनक्तिमान् ।

सन्मार्गवृत्तिनिरतः उत्कृष्टधर्मसिद्धिमान् ॥२७३१ ॥

कृषिपश्चादिलाभेन पामभूम्यधिकारवान् ।

2725-27311/2. Capricorn Ascendant: (a) One born in this ascendant, in the former half of Trailokya Nadiamsa, will be good-looking. intelligent, elo- quent, be endowed with charming face and eyes, be fortunate, religious and will enjoy effects of Raja Yoga. He will be fond of superior ascetics and will worship gods and Brahmins. he will eat limited food, will speak within a limit and will sleep for limited hours. He will conquer his Senses, and will be skillful in understanding others' thoughts. He will beautify himself with ornaments and also be fond of orna- ments. He will be an evil person to the evil and will be unkind to unkind people. He will be bereft of paternal fortunes (or happiness) and will have self- carned wealth.

(b) If the 4th lord (noted in Rasi diagram) is in the 9th place in Navamsa (i.e 9th counted from Navamsa ascendant), he will be skillful in law and philosophy. The native of the former half of the subject Nadiamsa (without reference to 4th lord above) will be helpful to all, will be endowed with valour, adventure and fame, be fond of listening to mythological stories, be ever wealthy, well-disposed to the poor, will worship Lord Siva by vows and fasts, and be devoted to Lords Vishnu and Siva. He will ever take to virtuous path and will have excellent religious attainments. He will gain through agriculture, quadrupeds etc. He will lord over villages and lands.

Notes: (a) Applicable only to the subject Nadiamsa.

(b) Skill in law and philosophy applies to the 4th lord's position as specified in the text while the rest applies to first half of Trailokya Nadiamsa with the above mentioned placement of the lord of the 4th, Mars.

For any ascendant, the 4th lord placed in the 9th from the natal ascendant or from the Navamsa as- cendant, will be good for legal and philosophical attainments.

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